José Mateus de Brito
The Heritage Time Capsule project and the Portuguese geotechnical history
Within the scope of the Heritage Time Capsule (HTC) project, launched by ISSMGE, the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) has been developing actions related to the History of Geotechnics in Portugal. The objectives of the project and the actions already carried out are described. The most relevant aspects of the development of geotechnics in Portugal and main large projects in the last 70 years are presented, in particular: (i) the development of embankment and concrete dams, the creation of the LNEC (National Laboratory of Civil Engineering), the emergence of a geotechnical community, the education system of soil mechanics, engineering geology and rock mechanics in the universities and the founding of large consultant offices, during the period of the 1950s/60s; (ii) the integration of Portugal in EEC and consequent development of the major public works with European funds (1970/80s); (iii) the great highways projects, the development of Lisbon and Porto Metro systems and the increase in the internationalization of Portuguese engineering (last two decades of the 20th century); (iv) growth in investment in renewable energy and resumption of the plan to build large hydroelectric plants, to reduce country's energy dependence, and in the rehabilitation and construction of new railway lines for the transport of passengers and goods, in the first two decades of this century. Underway and future geotechnical engineering projects are also addressed.
Short Curriculum
José is Licentiate Degree in Civil Engineering (PhD) by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). He is Geotechnical Expert and Counsellor Member of the Portuguese Engineers Association, Member of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG) and member of the Technical Comission CT115/SC7/TC250 - Structural Eurocodes. He has been working more than 50 years as professional engineer, designer and consultant of numerous major projects in geotechinal engineering in Portugal and abroad, at Hidrotecnica Portuguesa company, from 1972 to 1981, and Cenor and TPF companies from 1981 to 2018. After retirement in 2018 he is a senior geotechnical consultant. He is expert in design, supervision, control and management of dams, irrigation and water supply systems, highways, metros, railways and tunnelling systems and has teatching experienced of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering in Lisbon University. He has knowledge of Portuguese, Angola, Mozambique, Brasilian, Algeria and Turkish markets. José is author or co-author of more than 180 papers. He was awarded with the Tectonika Engineering Prize 2018 for the work of recognized value developed in the area of geotechnics within the scope of the 2018 edition of Tectonika, International Construction and Public Works Fair. Lisbon. He gave in 2020 the XXXVII Manuel Rocha Lesson intitled “Judgement in Geotechnical Engineering Practice”.