Presentation Templates

To prepare your presentation, we advise you to use the templates below, that we prepared for you.

Please note that posters need to be converted to PDF format and uploaded to this platform, until August 16:

(if you submited your poster through e-mail, please submit it now to this platform as the ones received via e-mail will not be considered)


Lyesse Laloui

Vice-President of the ISSMGE for Europe 2022-2026

To be elected

President of the ISSMGE 2022-2026

Mario Manassero 

Vice-President of the ISSMGE for Europe 2017-2021

Charles Ng​

Past-President of the ISSMGE 2013-2017

Neil Taylor

Secretary General of the ISSMGE

Haraldur Sigursteinsson

Chair of the XVII Conference Organising Committee

Eduardo Fortunato

Member of the Conference Organising Committee

Laura Caldeira

President of LNEC, Lisbon